Taif Rose Festival At ...
2024-03-15Fayha National Choir of Lebanon participated in the second Taif Rose Festival that was launched under the patronage of Makkah Gov. Prince Khalid Al-Faisal on 18 May 2022.
Where the choir presented ...
Fayha National Choir of Lebanon participated in the second Taif Rose Festival that was launched under the patronage of Makkah Gov. Prince Khalid Al-Faisal on 18 May 2022.
Where the choir presented ...
With an invitation from the Ministry of Lebanese Culture, as part of the activities of the Francophone Month,
Fayha National Choir, conducted by Maestro Barkev Taslakian, held a musical evening in ...
With an invitation from the “Development for People and Nature Association”, Fayha National Choir, conducted by Maestro Barkev Taslakian, will have a concert Thursday April 13 2023 at 10:00 pm in ...
Giving Voice to Music
Under this title the "The Neighborhood Initiative” at the American University of Beirut invites you to attend a concert by Fayha National Choir of Lebanon on Saturday, May ...
The Syrian Ministry of Culture, and under the sponsorship of the Minister of Culture, Dr. Labana Mshawah, Fayha National Choir will have a concert, conducted by Maestro Barkev Taslakian, on Sunday, ...
A concert for Fayha National Choir concluded the Palestine Week at the American University of Beirut (AUB) on March 9 2024, ending the concert with the song “Zahrat Al Madaen” expressing ...
"احتفال موسيقي عن التنوع في الثقافة والتراث اللبناني" بمشاركة كورال الفيحاء الوطني اللبناني وكورال زكي ناصيف ...
A concert for Fayha National Choir dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Sanatorium Azounieh.
Join us on Sunday June 9 2024 at 8:00 PM in The First Armenian Evangelical Church, Mexico Street - ...
Aiming to collect funds to help secure heating supplies for refugee shelter centers in the Bekaa,
A concert for Fayha National Choir conducted by Maestro Barkev Taslakian, on Sunday December ...
Our projects aim to rid children and youth from all kinds of deviation including dropping out of school, dealing/doing drugs, joining gangs, carrying arms, and so on. It is our firm belief that this can solely be done by the power of music, especially choir singing.
We are absolutely convinced that this could only be achieved throughout the power of music in general and the power of choir singing in particular. This power helps us promote many significant concepts such as learning to coexist with others and to harmonize, accepting and respecting others, promoting peace, and finally understanding the importance of ones heritage and culture. Recent studies have shown that choir singing plays an important role in the enhancement of the psychological wellness of singers, increases their self-esteem and self-confidence, trains them to become more disciplined, and increases their memory capacity. All these benefits of choir singing improve the general social skills of singers. The advantages of choir singing are numerous and their effects on children are extremely powerful on their general upbringing.
- Allow access to extra-curricular activities for marginalized children in public primary schools in selected locations in Lebanon
- Pilot the use of extracurricular activities in playing a role in the retention of at-risk and the reinsertion of out-of-school children in Lebanon.
More than 10,000 children were involved in the project.
This table below shows the progress of singers during trainings
Before / at the beginning of the project | After / during the implementation of the project |
They have never sang in a choir. | They are singing for the first time in a choir. |
They did not know what a “choir” is. | They know everything about choirs’ life. |
They had very weak singing techniques. | They have acquired a good level of choir singing techniques. |
They did not know any song of their own heritage. | They have learned many songs from the Arab music heritage (Syrian, Lebanese, Palestinian, Iraqi, Egyptian…) and other International songs. |
They were hyperactive and impatient during the first couple rehearsals. | They can stay calm and disciplined for more than one hour now. |
During break time, their favorite game was beating each other out along with other violent games. | They use the break to make new friends by playing and chatting with each other. |
They had a very aggressive and violent attitude toward other singers and trainers. | They became calmer and a lot more peaceful. |
They had severe personal hygiene problems. | They take better care of their physical appearance. |
They did not care about the neatness of their surroundings and they threw their leftovers randomly. | They always clean the place before and after the rehearsals and never leave any leftovers. |
They always came late to rehearsals. | They give more respect for time and arrive earlier for the rehearsals. |
تهدف مشاريعنا لتجنيب الأطفال والشباب من كافة أنواع الإنحراف بما في ذلك التسرّب المدرسي، والتعامل / تعاطي المخدرات، والانضمام إلى عصابات، حمل السلاح، وهلم جرا. ولدينا إيمان راسخ بأن هذا الهدف يمكن أن يتحقّق بقوة الموسيقى وخاصة الغناء الجماعي. هذه القوة تخلق لدينا طموح في تشجيع مفاهيم مثل العيش المشترك، وقبول واحترام الآخر، وتعزيز السلام، والتعمّق في الثقافة والتراث.
تشير الدراسات إلى أن الغناء الكورالي يلعب دوراً كبيراً في تحسين الصحة النفسية. ليس ذلك فحسب، لكنه يحسن الثقة بالنفس، والانضباط الذاتي، ويزيد من قدرة الذاكرة. كما يعزّز مهارات اجتماعية أفضل. فوائد الغناء في جوقة كثيرة، وآثارها على الأطفال هي الأقوى لتأمين حياة سليمة لأجيال المستقبل.
• تحسين الوصول إلى الأنشطة اللاصفية للأطفال المهمشين في المدارس الابتدائية الرسميّة في مواقع مختارة في لبنان
• استخدام الأنشطة اللامنهجية في لعب دور في الإبقاء على المعرّضين للخطر وإعادة الدمج للأطفال من خارج المدرسة
شارك في المشروع أكثر من 10000 طفل من عدة مناطق لبنانية.
فيما يلي جدول يوضح التقدم والتطور لدى المغنيين خلال التمارين:
خلال/ بعد المشروع | قبل/ في بداية المشروع |
يغنون ضمن كورال للمرة الأولى | لم يشاركوا بكورال في حياتهم قبل |
يختبرون حياة الكورال بتفاصيلها | ليس لديهم فكرة عن حياة الكورال |
إكتسبوا الكثير من تقنيّات الغناء | تقنياتهم في الغناء كانت ضعيفة جداً |
حفظوا أغاني كثيرة من التراث الموسيقي العربي (السوري، اللبناني، الفلسطيني، العراقي، المصري...) والعالمي | لم يعرفوا أغاني من تراثهم الموسيقي |
يتمرنون بانضباط لأكثر من ساعة كاملة | كانوا مفرطي النشاط وقليلين الصبر في التمارين الأولى |
ينتظرون الإستراحات للعب والتحدّث سوياً | كانوا يتدافعون ويتقاتلون دوماً خلال الإستراحات |
طباعهم هادئة ومسالمة بشكل لافت |
كان لديهم تصرفات عنيفة وعدائية تجاه بعضهم وتجاه المدربين |
يهتمون أكثر بنظافتهم ومظهرهم الخارجي | كان لديهم مشاكل كبيرة بالنظافة الشخصيّة |
ينظّفون المكان قبل وبعد التمارين ولا يرمون الأوساخ على الأرض | لا يحترمون نظافة المكان خلال التمارين |
يحترموت المواعيد ويصلون قبل وقت التمارين | كانوا يتأخرون دائماً على مواعيد التمارين |